Ivan-you for the power

His patients, the doctors often recommend Ivan-te for power, which contributes to its strengthening. Sexual weakness or impotence due to factors such as problems with urology, stress, physical injury, problems of the endocrine system. The constant stress, eco-products, low quality, the abuse of alcohol and smoking, inevitably lead to sexual weakness in men.


In 50-60 years of the sexual life of men is less active. Therefore, the doctors endocrinologists recommend to follow the metabolism and stimulate her. In this sense, a valuable aid may have representatives of the fauna, plants stimulants, for example, as Ivan-tea or "tea" for the men", as it is often called.

Botanical description

In the world of science this wildlife has the name of fireweed. Even if the plant has many names, for example, "the Shoemaker", "Fireman", "Bread", for the shape of the leaves, for he has been called the "Willow-herb", "the Willow-herb". The plant you refer to drugs many years of herbs. In the grass reach a height of 50 cm to 2 m. the Drum Ivan-the direct preparation, coated with a lot of leaves. The leaves have a pointed shape. The flowers are pink, rarely white. Ivan-tea begins to bloom at the end of June – beginning of July. The flowers are presented carpal inflorescences, on which is formed the foetus – the soft box.

Epilobium spread in many countries. Very often it is a plant that grows on sandy, peat soils, near to pine forests and bright places of the forest.

Raw materials beginning to gather in the middle of summer. In this period the plants begin to appear in the flowers, but inflorescences should not melt completely. Raw material the stem with leaves and flowers, at least one root. During their collection it is unacceptable to hit soft boxes, otherwise the raw material is of good quality.

The story

The ancient healers believed that the entire plant is healing. They have dried the leaves, stem, root, Ivan-tea and flowers. Ground roots are added to the flour. Bread get delicious and useful. Thanks root, the fruit of the bread was lively and full of vitamins, minerals.

Ivan-tea made from the alcoholic beverages. The young shoots of the leaves are added in salads, in food to improve palatability. Ivan-the preparation in the old building, ropes and fabrics. For his resistance of not less than nor linen, nor cannabis. Pooh, that forms after the flowering, the harvest, twisted in a thin, durable thread. Threads, sewing light, warm shawls.

Decoction of Ivan-the preparation

Honey plants bee-keepers appreciate very high. The honey is obtained with the precious healing properties. Folk medicine has collected a series of recipes of this unique plant. The research and experimentation Ivan-tea have shown that this plant has a positive influence on the potency in men, and its properties are effective when the tumor (cancer) diseases.

In ancient times in Russia, this tea has become famous thanks to the monks. The monks knew of its beneficial properties, and how to affect Epilobium on the body. They knew, when the grass has the need to collect, such as drying, how to make a profit, the infusion. Why was the title of "Monastic tea".

The chemical composition of the plants

Ivan-tea contains many useful substances, which determine its therapeutic properties. In the composition of plants is a lot of protein, that is easily absorbed by the body. Proteins are a source of energy, then the consumption of the Ivan-tea enhances the efficiency. The plant contains:

  • The tannins and polysaccharides (anti-inflammatory).
  • Mucus (they have an enveloping effect).
  • Vitamins E,A, E, c (ascorbic acid content in a couple of times higher than citrus).
  • Trace elements (magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, boron, copper and others).
  • The flavonoids (a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, prevent cancer).
  • Coumarins.

The beneficial properties Ivan-the preparation

Epilobium applies in the treatment of many diseases. The plant favours the normalization of the functioning of the body. The plant has the following effect on the body:

  • improves and strengthens the immune system;
  • detoxifies and purifies the body;
  • removes inflammation is a powerful tool with angina;
  • lowers fever;
  • it is easy to diuretic;
  • improves and purifies the blood;
  • improves the functioning of the gastro-intestinal tract (drink tea particularly well with disease ulcerative and bloating);
  • door adjusts the endocrine system;
  • the tea helps to reduce the content of cholesterol in the blood;
  • the human psyche becomes more resistant to the external stress;
  • with a lot of protein, it intensifies the vital energy of the man;
  • men of Ivan-tea increases power;
  • the plant has decided to use for the prevention of prostate (prostate adenoma);
  • Ivan-tea feel the initial form of cancer.
The infusion

Ivan-tea as a remedy for impotence

Men should take Ivan-tea:

  • when the prostate adenoma;
  • in the case of chronic prostatitis;
  • acute prostatitis;
  • when i power.

The prostate is a, "according to the respiratory organ" for men, which is responsible for the mental and emotional health of a man. If you casually treat problems of the prostate, it can ruin your life and the existence of even the most happy, the success of a man. Then from the life and the operation of the breast depends on the health of men. The consumption of the Ivan-the preparation of a positive impact on the health of man.

Many may rise a doubt affect the plant to increase the power. However, studies have been conducted in herbal medicine, Epilobium has received many positive reviews and has established itself as a powerful tool for male potency. With a constant use of the stock happens to release testosterone, a hormone that increases sexual desire. And the flow of blood to the male genital, enhances the potency and long sexual act.

Regular consumption of Fireweed has a positive effect on power, replacing the powerful pharmacological agents. The power gain is thanks to the presence of flavonoids.

Flavonoids – substances which belong to the P vitamins. These substances help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reducing their permeability. In the following, normalizes blood pressure, improves blood circulation. This is necessary for male power, as well as the penis receives enough blood.

Many studies have confirmed that the treatment tea of Fireweed gives a significant result. Healers advise making the broth and drink a good tea to increase the power.

Methods of preparation of tea

For increasing the blood flow to the genitals, and for the treatment of diseases, it is necessary to know how to prepare a good cup of tea properly. There are several ways for the preparation of infusions and herbal teas.

The first method

When i power. The first method of preparation of the infusion. To this 1 tablespoon of crushed, dried leaves and flowers of the epilobio pour boiling water (200 ml). The capacity needs to be wrap and let stand (about an hour). After the infusion, filter and drink 50 ml before eating 4 times a day. The infusion will take 1.5 months.

Tincture of Ivan-the preparation

The second method

Prepare an infusion of 50-60 grams of dry Ivan-the preparation. It is possible to use not only the ground part of the plant, but also the powder of the dried roots of a plant. Pour boiling water and let steep, until it becomes warm. The use of 25 grams to 30 minutes before eating 4 times a day.

The third way

Prepare tea for male power. For this is took 1 tablespoon of welding fermented the epilobio, pour boiling water (200 ml) and infused for 10 minutes. After that it is necessary to filter, drink 70 ml of infusion per day 3-4 times.

The fourth way

You can make a decoction of the fresh flowers and leaves of plants. For this are taken from the leaves and flowers of the fresh plant. 10 pcs flowers and leaves, pour hot water, put on fire and stirred on the fire for 20 minutes. After the espresso, let it cool and consume one-third cup before meals for 30 minutes.

In the case of formation of stones in the prostate, doctors recommend to prepare Ivan-tea, and drink. 1 tablespoon of plant, pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist (5-10 min). Take 2 times a day, 1 cup in the morning before feeding and in the evening half an hour before going to bed.


Tincture of Ivan-the preparation of alcohol has found application in the treatment of impotence.

To prepare the tincture, take 100 grams of fresh flowers and leaves, pour the floor liters of alcohol or vodka. Insist infusion should be two weeks in a dark place. Eat 30 grams during the meal. Alcohol increases the the circulation of blood. The content of routine plant affect the activity of the enzymes (substances that activate the nerve endings, and, consequently, increase the excitability men).

Many believe that Ivan-tea and power – the concepts are identical. With a constant use of teas, herbal tea of Fireweed, the man is free from sexual impotence, the job of the prostate gland improves. When increasing the power increases the time and the quality of the sexual relationship. Of course, all the necessary measures. To start the treatment, you need to know how to prepare the infusion, as a drink, contraindications for use.

Contraindications for use

Force Ivan-the preparation for male potency

Particular contraindications the plant has not been revealed, but it is possible idiosyncrasy. Hypotension tool is better not to take.

When you drink the tea dyeing, as well as infusions and decoctions, in the liver accumulate coumarins (contained in the plant). These substances can cause the malfunction of the liver, so you should take a break between meals. It is necessary to remember, laxative and sedative effects Ivan-the preparation, then increase the dose should not be.


Decoctions and tinctures of Ivan-the preparation is demonstrated as effective tools of power. Patients who have taken Fireweed, leave only positive reviews. In the old days in Russia, is a medicinal plant has been very popular, especially when the impotence. It was so precious that tile plants were taken for export, and its value has been nothing less than furruris and linen. Today, Ivan-tea is almost the best way to the power. Rasputin believed that Ivan-the preparation is able to increase sexual desire and enhance erection.